Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Customizing the RSS feed

I've been receiving a lot of questions on how to edit the RSS feed to whatever you like so I will explain this a little better here. Currently the only way to edit the iTicker settings are by SSHing into your phone. Hopefully this will change in a future update. For a guide on how to SSH into your phone please click here.

Once in your iPhone you'll want to navigate to the following folder: /Library/Themes

Here you will see a folder for iTicker. Open that folder and you will see a file called: Widget.html

Open up this file in notepad or any HTML editor you like such as Dreamweaver. Look for this line of code:

Replace that URL with the URL of your RSS feed that you want to use. Here is a list of individual sports feeds you can use so only that sport displays.

MLB use:
NBA use:
NFL use:
NHL use:
NCAA use:
WNBA use:

If you want to have multiple feeds show for example MLB and NFL you will need to combine them into one feed. To do that please follow this guide here.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

iTicker now available on Cydia!

iTicker v1.0 was posted this afternoon on Cydia via the ModMyI-repo. Special thanks to Kyle at for hosting it. Please download on Cydia if you want to avoid SSH'ing into your phone in order to install. Thanks!

iTicker News

**I am aware of iTicker overlapping icons in Categories folders and am currently working on a fix that will solve the problem in the next version.**

I really like the idea of making this widget into an actual app and having an easy interface to add in custom feeds and edit other options like color, text and the amount of time each story/score shows. My skills only go so far so not sure how feasible this is for me. If anyone would like to develop this you will receive credit where credit is due and it would be greatly appreciated. If interested please email jnosal at

Thank you!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

iTicker v1.0 Released!


iTicker is a dynamically updating ticker of sports scores, news headlines, or any other RSS feed that you would like displayed right on your iPhone 3G's springboard!

I got the idea from the updated apps ticker that they have available on Cydia. It is my first app/widget, please enjoy it and thanks for checking it out!

Download Now!

How does it work?

First your iPhone must be jailbroken and have WinterBoard and openSSH installed. These are both available thru Cydia. After downloading iTicker from the link above unzip the contents. SSH into your iPhone and browse to the /Library/Themes folder. Upload the iTicker folder into this directory. Now resping your iPhone and open up WinterBoard. You will see iTicker in the list of available options, simply click on it so it is checked and then return to your springboard!

Can I customize it to show my own RSS feed?

Yes! Right now the default is set to display sports scores of MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL. iTicker uses basic JavaScript and CSS in order to function properly. Simply edit the HTML file and look for the following code:

cssfeed.addFeed("Sports Scores", "") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed

You can replace "Sports Scores" with whatever you like and then enter the URL of the RSS feed you want to use, it's as simple as that.

Can I customize the text or position of iTicker?

If you would like customize the look and feel of the widget you can edit the CSS to your liking. Currently the CSS controls the text styles and positioning of iTicker.


Here you can see how iTicker displays on this jailbroken phone. Just above the dock and below the last row of icons on the Springboard.

I really enjoyed developing iTicker. Like anything it was frustrating at times but after working out all the kinks I'm happy with the finished product. I would like to develop a plugin for the MultiBarLockscreen next however my skills are somewhat limited so we will see how that goes, keep checking back. Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy iTicker. If you have any questions, comments or suggesstions please leave them in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them whenever I have some free time. If you like iTicker and want to throw a few bucks my way for the hard work please feel free :) However iTicker will always be free. Thanks again!

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