Tuesday, April 21, 2009

iTicker News

**I am aware of iTicker overlapping icons in Categories folders and am currently working on a fix that will solve the problem in the next version.**

I really like the idea of making this widget into an actual app and having an easy interface to add in custom feeds and edit other options like color, text and the amount of time each story/score shows. My skills only go so far so not sure how feasible this is for me. If anyone would like to develop this you will receive credit where credit is due and it would be greatly appreciated. If interested please email jnosal at gmail.com

Thank you!


  1. I have been waiting since i jailbroke my iphone for a ticker. Thank you so much!!

    I love the idea of the app for settings and stuff, but unfortunately can't help out there.

    However, I do have a suggestion I think would be easy to implement.

    There needs to be a really slick looking image that the text is nested in. Something like the actual ticker bars on tv.

    here is a link to a photo I threw together real quick just so you could see what I am talking about...http://tiny.cc/gTQnu

    check it out and let me know...maybe I could help!

  2. You're very welcome :) Originally I was going to have the text nestled into a background but just wasn't happy with any of the looks I tried out. I like yours though, if I can ever make iTicker into an app for settings and customization I will definitely make a background toggle option. Thanks for your input!

  3. please keep us updated on this "Also I really like the idea of making this widget into an actual app and having an easy interface to add in custom feeds and edit other options like color, text and the amount of time each story/score shows."

    This would be great....and this is a great help.

  4. Unfortunately I've learned that it may be impossible as the iPhone SDK doesn't allow for apps to run on the Springboard that's why I had to make it a winterboard widget originally. Still looking into how I can make it an actual application if anyone can help please let me know!


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